Improving Your Photo Composition Skills

Improving Your Photo Composition Skills

With a powerful digital camera in everyone’s pocket these days, getting a great picture has never been easier. That doesn’t mean, however, that the camera does all the work. While modern digital smartphone cameras will take care of a lot of things like...
Building Your Modeling Portfolio

Building Your Modeling Portfolio

Starting a modeling career today is a little easier than it was in the past, thanks to the increased visibility that the internet provides. In particular, social media sites provide platforms for gaining followers and attracting the attention of agents, fashion...
The In’s & Out’s of Modeling Releases

The In’s & Out’s of Modeling Releases

If you are shooting or filming a commercial or video, taking photographs or recording any type of media to be broadcast or published commercially in any way, you will need a signed model release form from every person that appears on camera. There are some exceptions...
Entering The World of Model Photography

Entering The World of Model Photography

Starting a career as a fashion photographer may seem like a glamorous and fun way to make a living, but it’s also challenging. You have to be willing to pay your dues, work hard, and develop your talent. This overview of what it takes to become a model...
Tips For Portrait Photography

Tips For Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a surprisingly difficult form of photography. Using a human as a subject creates a lot of pressure for a photographer because you want the subject to look good and be satisfied with the outcome. Here are a few tips to make shooting these photos...
Social Media’s Effect On The Modeling Industry

Social Media’s Effect On The Modeling Industry

There is no denying the major impact social media can have on a person’s life. Word travels in a nanosecond via Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, for example. It would seem that most folks on the planet are tuned in to their electronic devices and...