Model photography can be an incredibly rewarding job. As a photographer, you are able to meet and learn about so many different people and cultures. However, it can also pose a challenge if you are unfamiliar with working with models in your photographs. If that is the case, here is some insider advice for working with models.
The modeling industry works as a community in itself, depending on location. This ultimately means there is a lot of networking going on within the industry. Models end up networking with fellow models on their photo shoots, and can even meet different industry leaders depending on how they are shooting for. The modeling world can open up so many doors after a successful photoshoot that is well received by others.
While more experienced models have a sense of knowing what they are doing on set, it’s important to remember that they want to be involved in what’s going on. It’s okay to bounce ideas off of one another and to provide direction when necessary. The models will want your photoshoot to succeed just as you much, so use them as a tool to improve your photographs.
Glam Squads
Models love glam squads! This is no secret really, as the talented professional hair and make-up artists in the industry know their stuff when it comes to making someone look beautiful. Providing your model with a glam squad will result in your photographs being even more powerful, and can also give your model a serious boost in confidence, which always translates well through the camera lens.
Ultimately, your model is going to put their trust in you, since you are the one behind the lens that can see everything unfolding. Communicate with your model in an effective way, and they will trust you even further. If you are not getting the shot you are looking for, then have the confidence to say so in a collaborative way.